Robert S. Sher - Growing Buinesses and Cultivating People
Executive Coach
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17800 Laurel Park Drive North
Suite 200C
Livonia, MI 48152-3984

FAX: 248-357-6116


“ Every time I deal with coaching, I sharpen my own saw, refine my own skills. I've had great mentors who have helped me grow. There is nothing like watching a person grow with a business.”

–Bob Sher on coaching

Here are some things clients have said about Bob:

With Bob's help, one entrepreneur built a $2.5 million business in two years. “Bob gave me an objective perspective, and then he brought out my own ability to put together successful solutions. He offered me clarity, confidence and reassurance.”

A woman business owner credits Bob's strategy with much of her success, “In business, you have to wear so many hats, and Bob knows about all of them. He tactfully guides us through each area to develop a thorough and thoughtful plan.”

A woman, who was a partner in an accounting firm when she first considered starting her own consulting practice. She said working with Bob helped her get the courage she needed to take the risk. “Sometimes you just need the outside discipline of a coach,” she said. “Bob helped me realize that the place where you want to take your business isn't usually drawn by a straight line.”

“One of the most important things (Bob Sher) taught me was that a good manager has to be a good listener,” says a former employee. “So many people only hear what they want to hear. I didn't always get the answers I wanted from you, but you always listened.”